Neuhorst, Saskatchewan

Neuhorst (Canada 2006 Census population 126) is a small hamlet in Saskatchewan, Canada about 30 minutes north of Saskatoon. Neuhorst is a part of rural municipality Corman Park No. 344 and is located near Saskatchewan Highway 305.


1988 - The press release was held in the town hall to announce the trade of Wayne Gretzky from the Edmonton Oilers.

2001 - Numerous crop circles have been reported in the area lately many say they are hoaxes but a few stay confident that they are real.

2010 - This town has a high population of skunks that is at the moment uncontrollable. The town's folk have had numerous town meetings about the situation and have not yet came up with a solution.

North: Neuanlage
West: Langham Neuhorst East: Osler
South: Warman